On Oct 17, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

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On 10/17/2011 10:11 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Nathan Potter [mailto:npot...@opendap.org] Subject: Re:
JspServlet - Unexpected behavior, possible bug...

I don't see how to do it without using a rewrite rule for every
thing in the top level collection of URL's.

You only need to have the filter invoked when the true
DefaultServlet would have been, so it would handle only otherwise
unmatched requests.  Use the <servlet-name> element rather than
<url-pattern> inside the <filter-mapping>, specifying "default" as
the value. Leave the hyrax servlet mapped to "/hyrax/*" (and
possibly "/hyrax"), the DefaultServlet at "/", the JspServlet at
"*.jsp", and have the filter adjust the path only if it's something
you want hyrax to process.

I'm not entirely sure, but that may require Nathan to explicitly
define define Tomcat's DefaultServlet in his own web.xml file. I seem
to recall having to explicitly define the JspServlet for certain
things (maybe just for init-params).

Nathan, if you try to use <servlet-name>default</servlet-name> in your
<filter-mapping> and Tomcat throws an exception or just doesn't see
like it's working, try explicitly defining (and mapping) Tomcat's
DefaultServlet in your own web.xml.

OK thanks!

- -chris
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Nathan Potter                        ndp at opendap.org
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