---- "Caldarale wrote: 
> > From: oh...@cox.net [mailto:oh...@cox.net] 
> > Subject: Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support "no password" 
> > authentication?
> > In other words, even though my valve code can assert a user 
> > into Tomcat, and even if that same user already exists in the
> > Tomcat realm, the asserted user seems to be 'disassociated'
> > from the same user in the Tomcat realm?  
> Need to get some terminology correct here.  A Realm does not normally contain 
> users, roles, or any other authentication or authorization _data_; rather, it 
> is a Java class that embodies rules for examining the credentials supplied by 
> a login attempt and comparing them to credentials and roles stored in some 
> external location.  By default (and never meant to be used in production), 
> the external location is the file tomcat-users.xml, and the Realm is 
> UserDatabaseRealm (augmented by LockOutRealm to discourage probing).  Several 
> other Realm classes are supplied with Tomcat, to allow access to credentials 
> from LDAP servers, relational databases, JAAS, etc.
> I think what you need is essentially a Realm that does no authentication of 
> its own (trusting httpd to do that), but does perform the authorization 
> function.  It can then map the userid to whatever set of roles are 
> appropriate for that user, and return the appropriate response when queried.  
> See the doc for details:
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/realm-howto.html
> It would seem likely that someone out there has written a Realm that performs 
> the above functions in conjunction with httpd authentication.  (Note: you 
> keep using the word "Apache" - which is a software organization with many 
> products - when you're referring to httpd, a specific Apache product, as is 
> Tomcat.)
>  - Chuck

Hi Chuck,

Corrections understood, and I'll try to be more careful.  As you point out, and 
as I mentioned earlier in the thread, it seems like I've come all the way 
around to the original subject "...Tomcat LDAP-type realms support "no 
password" authentication?".

I've been and still am looking around for something like that, but haven't 
found it yet.

I'm still puzzled by something though.  Even if I did find (or implement) a 
realm that was a "no password realm", how do I tie the two pieces that I end up 
with, the valve and the no-password realm, together?

In other words, I can pull the userID from the incoming header in the valve, 
but then I think that the valve code then needs to authenticate against the 
no-password realm.  Is that correct?

And, if so, how to do that?  

I've been looking for a way (API?) to programmatically "authenticate the user" 
against Tomcat, so that I could add that into my valve code, but haven't been 
find anything yet.


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