In case this makes any difference this is with the AJP BIO connector.

On 2/3/2012 4:51 PM, Jess Holle wrote:
I posted a query recently wherein I thought that POST data was being lost *only* if the user had been authenticated, their session timed out, and then they POST'ed to a URL requiring authentication -- thus having their request interrupted for a form-based login.

I know Tomcat is supposed to preserve the POST data in this case as well as in the case where one had not yet authenticated prior to the POST, but I'd thought that the latter case worked.

As someone nicely pointed out, that makes no sense.

So here's the issue:

Neither case works. My POST data is always lost here. I've tried various values of maxSavePostSize, including leaving it unspecified -- to no avail. [I had it set to -1 and maxPostSize also set to -1, which I also tried leaving unspecified.]

I've tried various things -- all with no luck.

This is with Tomcat 7.0.23. I'm pretty sure I was having similar issues with 7.0.25 as well. [No, I didn't really downgrade -- I'm just working in a context that's still using 7.0.23 at the moment.]

I'm left wondering what could be causing the issue.

Jess Holle

P.S. The lack of wisdom of setting maxSavePostSize is clear enough to me now. I'll be setting this to a large but still not egregious value once I figure out the rest of this...

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