Do your logs indicate your custom authenticator is active or does it
throw an error?
ANS-->>> tomcat logs and other logs doesn't show any exception or even
traces added in the valve class. In Tomcat 6 we are able to see logs
added in our implemementation of AuthenticatorBase class.

How had you configured the authenticator to work in Tomcat 6.0?
In Server.xml we have defined Realm under Engine

 <Realm className=""

In Web.xml of the application we have defined following

                        <web-resource-name>Web application
                        <description>Simple constraint for web
                        <description>Simple constraint</description>

                <realm-name>My App Realm</realm-name>

In context.xml inside META-INF of the application we have defined Valve

<Context path="/myapp" docBase="myapp" debug="0" privileged="true">
        <ResourceLink name="tomcatHelper" global="MyTomcatHelper"
type="" />
        <Valve className=""
The same is present in Tomcat 7.0.20 but the AuthenticatioValve is not hitting.

One more thing that we have observed that in
CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/ directory in7.0.20 we are not
having any xml while in Tomcat 6 we are having application context.xml
like files.


On 2/16/12, Pid <> wrote:
> On 16/02/2012 12:30, Sachin Mehrotra wrote:
>> Hi
>> After upgrade from Tomcat 6 to Tomcat 7.0.20, our Basic Authentication
>> valve is not hitting. It seems it is overlooking our implementation of
>> Basic Authentication.
>> Below is the implementation:
>> We are having Realm that is doing authentication using our
>> authentication server. Before that we are having a Valve defined in
>> /META-INF/context.xml that is doing some pre-authentication based on
>> the token define in the HTTPs request.
>> If the token matches our creteria then Realm is hitting for actual Auth.
>> This was working fine when Tomcat  6 was there and we were able to see
>> the logging coming that was added to our Implementation of Baisc
>> Authenticator.
> There's no guarantee that the internals of Tomcat remain the same
> between releases.
> Do your logs indicate your custom authenticator is active or does it
> throw an error?
> How had you configured the authenticator to work in Tomcat 6.0?
> p
> --
> [key:62590808]

With Regards
Sachin Mehrotra

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