2012/5/24 Christian Kaufhold <kaufhol...@googlemail.com>:
> Hi,
> I have a leaking Tomcat App
> I checked the heap with the Eclipse Memory Analyser
> and it says
> The classloader/component *"org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader @
> 0x94532f50"*
> occupies *376.421.152 (79,51%)* bytes. The memory is accumulated in one
> instance of
> *"java.util.HashMap$Entry[]"* loaded by *"<system class loader>"*.

So the memory is used for something useful? That is not a "memory
leak". It is just a web application requiring a lot of memory.

WebappClassLoader is the classloader that is used to load the classes
of your webapp.  Of course, it remembers every class that it loaded
(to satisfy repeated class.forName() calls) and every class that it
loads has a reference it it (via getClass().getClassLoader()).

There may be many classes, but I do not think that the classloader
itself is responsible for 300 Mb of memory.

> and the data that is in the entries of the gigantic Map is
> org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory

That would be a hibernate question. I have no clue what that class is about.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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