Is this the same server with the Wicket app you posted about earlier ?
If so, you have a Wicket app that is storing the
SessionFactoryObjectFactory on a page as a class member. Wicket stores
each page a user has been to in the user's session. If the page has
class members, then it serializes them and stores them too. I have seen
this kind of thing happen many times before causing big memory usage.

Remove the Wicket app and run the Eclipse Memory Analyzer.


Warren Bell

On 5/24/12 5:42 AM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
> 2012/5/24 Christian Kaufhold <>:
>> Hi,
>> I have a leaking Tomcat App
>> I checked the heap with the Eclipse Memory Analyser
>> and it says
>> The classloader/component *"org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader @
>> 0x94532f50"*
>> occupies *376.421.152 (79,51%)* bytes. The memory is accumulated in one
>> instance of
>> *"java.util.HashMap$Entry[]"* loaded by *"<system class loader>"*.
> So the memory is used for something useful? That is not a "memory
> leak". It is just a web application requiring a lot of memory.
> WebappClassLoader is the classloader that is used to load the classes
> of your webapp.  Of course, it remembers every class that it loaded
> (to satisfy repeated class.forName() calls) and every class that it
> loads has a reference it it (via getClass().getClassLoader()).
> There may be many classes, but I do not think that the classloader
> itself is responsible for 300 Mb of memory.
>> and the data that is in the entries of the gigantic Map is
>> org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory
> That would be a hibernate question. I have no clue what that class is about.
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Kolinko
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