On 06/06/2012 17:40, Steve Millidge wrote:
> Mark,
> I think it would be useful to get access to the session at least when you
> are bootstrapping the web socket and creating the MessageInBound subclass
> instance. It is very likely that a user will have accessed a web application
> and logged in etc. prior to bootstrapping the websocket connection.
> Therefore there's likely to be a whole bunch of useful context information I
> want in my MessageInbound class when I create it.
> Looking at the code it would be a simple change to pass Session into the
> createWebSocketInbound(String subProtocol)  call.

I'd rather not pass in the session object since it just encourages folks
to retain a copy of it and I am not at all convinced that is a good idea
for WebSockets.

I have no objection to making session attributes available at that point
(or data from the request) but I don't like the idea of providing direct
access to the Request and Session objects. Neither do I like the idea of
having to proxy every getter...

Hmm. We could wrap them with a façade and null out the underlying
objects once the HTTP request ends to "discourage" folks from retaining
references to them since all they'll get is NPEs.

> Any chance we can get it added as a parameter, otherwise I'll have to hack
> about with thread locals in the subclass of WebSocketServlet.

If the above seems reasonable then that is probably doable with the
caveat I haven't thought too hard about it at this point.


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