
I am not the great specialist regarding isapi_redirector for Windows, but the configuration that you list below looks very strange to me. It does not seem to match the configuration format for isapi_redirector, which is described here :
and here :

So what are you exactly using as an IIS/Tomcat Connector ?

Vijaya wrote:
This is what I get in the IIS log file if I login to URL

08:57:43 GET /index.html 304
08:59:08 GET /jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll 500

This is what I get in the logfile if I log in as

09:01:56 GET /usertpl/1vg104-home/stylesheet.css 404
09:01:56 GET /index.jsp 404
09:01:56 GET /favicon.ico 404
09:01:56 GET /favicon.ico 404

It looks like if I go through IIS, IIS is not recognizing ISAPI at all.

I do not have I do not Everything is code in
# setup the windows application logging for the ISAPI filter
# Communication Channel Settings
# Shared memeory File Settings
# Declare a tomcat worker and assign it the above declared communication channel
# URI Mappings for atYourService web application context
# Requests for any web component (indicated by the wild card *)are despatched
# to Tomcat
info=Mapping for AtYourService context of tomcat

index.html code is a simple code that when invoked it calls index.jsp
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META content="Evrsoft First Page" name=GENERATOR><LINK href="../../usertpl/1vg104-home/stylesheet.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=#ccffff>
    <form name="loginform">
       <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"><!--
         document.loginform.action = "index.jsp";
//--></script> </form>

Once again thanks very much for the help.


-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier [] Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 1:28 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: iis not looking for jsp in tomcat webapps folder

Vijaya wrote:
Thanks for the reply again Andre Warner. We reformatted our server and installed a windows, IIS, and Tomcat all over. The problem still persists.

This is what my setting is.

Our portal URL is The class, and jsp files are under the folder tomcat...\webapps\AtYourservice.
Under  inetpub/wwwroot all html files are copied.

When I log in to the portal using the URL, the portal works fine. But if I move the index.html to the inetpub/wwwroot folder, and log in to the portal as, I get the 404 error as the IIS is not looking at the JSP files in tomcat../AtYourservice folder through ISAPI redirector.

What is the content of the index.html file ? (copy and paste it here)

What is the content of the files ? (copy and paste here)

The only thing that was the problem BEFORE IIS FAILED was our router link SUDDENLY WENT down and when I brought back the link, IIS stopped talking to ISAPI filter.

Can a bad router create this problem ?

In principle, no. But again, we do not have direct access to your system, so we cannot look at what happened.


-----Original Message----- From: André Warnier
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:49 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: iis not looking for jsp in tomcat webapps folder


Quoting you :

Vijaya wrote:
Thanks for the reply Andre Warnier. It is not virus. It happened over the week end while the download of signatures failed. It is that IIS is not looking at the tomcat' webapps folder for the jsps through ISAPI filter. When I try to delete isapi_redirector dll, I keep getting the error the file is in use by another program. I'll try to install the latest version of tomcat and see what happens.


After a long time I am having a problem that I cannot explain why is it happening. Help will be very much appreciated.

Our portal was working okay till last week. Suddenly we had the anti virus software, and link problem and after that the portal is not working okay.

The current setting is
In IIS 6, I have the jakarta isapi filter set and the default document only as and nothing else; All the portal related files are moved under inetpub/wwwroot except the jspfiles. jspfiles are located under tomcat../webapps/esb folder. The index.html that is located in wwwroot folder has nothing other than calling index.jsp from webapps directory. Till last friday, the portal was working okay and all of us could login to the portal from remote machines. last saturday, our link went down and when I connected the link back, I am not able to login to the portal both locally and remotely. the url invokes the index.html (means the name server, iis is working fine) but the index.jsp gives a 404 error. I tried all possible things like deleting the jakarta virtual directory, recreating the reg entries, and deleting the isap_redirector2.dll and copying back from the backup version. Nothing is working.
Can any body help me what I need to do (reinstall IIS)?


there is not much that can be done with the explanation above.
In summary :
- it was "working" last week, and is "not working" this week.
- something happened in-between, which may or may not involve a virus
- since then you have been modifying Registry entries, deleting/recreating files and/or
moving them around
- and still "nothing is working"

In normal circumstances, and to take a shortcut, I would probably tell you to 1) verify that Tomcat itself is working, by accessing your Tomcat application directly,
through Tomcat's own HTTP port
2) if Tomcat is working, then stop IIS, de-install isapi_redirector, and re-install it
properly according to the relevant on-line documentation.
3) and if you still have a problem then, turn on the logging feature of isapi_redirector,
check the logs and try to determine exactly what happens.

But, considering that you have already been making changes all over, including in the Registry, it is not even certain that the isapi_redirector de-installation procedure can
work properly and will really clean up.

We do not have a crystal ball here, and we cannot see your real system setup nor what happens to make it "not work". So unless you come back here with a really precise and technical description of what you are doing, what happens, including a copy of the
relevant log messages, there is not more we could do.

Otherwise, my recommendation would still be the same : re-install this machine completely. Or use another machine, where Windows and IIS and Tomcat are a "clean" install, add isapi_redirector, and try it out. If it works, then compare with the machine that does not

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