i was told to inject the entitymanager like this
public class EntityManagerProducer {
    @PersistenceUnit(unitName = "myDb")
    private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;

    public EntityManager create() {
        return this.entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();

    public void dispose(@Disposes @Default EntityManager entityManager) {
        if (entityManager.isOpen()) {
injecting into your example like:
public class MyRepo1{
    private EntityManager em;

    public List<Something> loadSomeStuff(){  //Non transactional
also with JSF i alway found @PostConstruct a bit dodgy.  way better to add
     <f:viewAction action="#{myViewBean.onload}" />
then in your bean you have an onload function (no annotation necessary)
public String onload() {
    someVar1= myRepo1.loadSomeStuff();
    someVar2 = myRepo2.loadSomeStuff();
    return null;  //you can call action here if necessary

On 13/02/2018 09:42, cocorossello wrote:

Calling entityManager.clear() seems the best approach since most of the
queries are not executed inside a transaction. But I have no idea on where I
should use it or what would be a good implementation pattern.

I mean, let's say I have a @ViewScoped with a couple of injected

public class MyViewBean{

private MyRepo1 myRepo1;

private MyRepo2 myRepo2;

void init(){
    someVar1= myRepo1.loadSomeStuff();
    someVar2 = myRepo2.loadSomeStuff();

public class MyRepo1{
     @PersistenceContext(unitName = "myUnit")
     private EntityManager entityManager;

     public List<Something> loadSomeStuff(){  //Non transactional


So, should I call entityManager.clear() after all non transactional queries
(or at least some of them)? Can I do it in some web filter?

This seems pretty basic stuff but I can't get it right...

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