Ok, thanks...
I refactored what i had with this in mind. It was a little more
complicated because I want to delegate responsibility for generating
the link and caption to the page (some of our links our kind of
complex to promote lazy initialization), so the page is still calling
into static functions to know what id to give the caption and label.
Plus I had to create an additional class to hold that link plus the
seperator( to do the comma and "or" in something like "A, B or C")

The list is then

        add(new ListView("linklist", listSepLinks)
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
                public void populateItem(final ListItem listItem)
                        CaptionedLinkAndSeperator linkAndSep =
                        listItem.add(new Label("sep",

and the HTML is then

  <span wicket:id="linklist">
            <a href="#" wicket:id="link" class="link"><span
wicket:id="caption">[LINK CAPTION]</span></a><span wicket:id =

So, the complexity isn't too bad despite the inner class and it's less
kludgey than what i had earlier.


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