On 9/8/07, Sebastiaan van Erk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> DateLabel component, however I cannot find it in my version of wicket.

Add wicket-extensions to your project.

> Second question that I have is the following. I want to display a label
> with a link around it (a href), but the link should only be active if
> the href is not empty or null. Thus if there is anything in it, the link
> should be active, otherwise not. The href is a property of a model
> object (which can change on form submit, so choosing between a fragment
> with the link and a fragment without the link at construction time would
> not work).

new Link("foo", model) {
    @override boolean isenabled() { Foo foo = getModelObject(); return
foo.getUrl() != null; }

Should do the trick?


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