On 9/9/07, Sam Hough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I doubt Google will like the query string part of that URL. Have you looked
> at the other URL schemes? I think the answer is that you do need to make
> your pages bookmarkable so Google has something to put in its index. It may
> only be seeing the bit before the query string so all your pages look the
> same to it.
> Anything that it is possible to map from a "normal" URL to page state should
> be bookmarkable so nothing intrinsic to a tabbed panel should stop you.
> The naming schemes you use for your URLs is worth putting a lot of thought
> into as once they are in Google it may take a very long time to shift...
> Never mind users bookmarks. Keep them as elegant and concise as possible so
> you don't need to change the plan you adopt now.

Sam is right. I think this is something we should communicate more
loudly maybe. The thing is, most of the people who work on Wicket work
on apps where a user logs in and then accesses the rest of the
application. Bookmark-ability is only for convenience then. However,
if you are designing a public facing site, you should really be aware
of bookmarkability, and either shield parts of your site for crawlers
or make sure everything is bookmarkable. Unfortunately, this has an
effect on your programming model. Like you said, tabbed panel and
pageablelist are components that are not bookmarkable by default, so
you'd have to code such functionality in alternative ways. You're
basically back to a page based approach.



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