
I am have a bit of a problem with Wicket and Acegi. I am not getting an 
exception so there is no trace.

What is happening is that once logged in the Authentication is sometimes not 
set. I get it as follows:

AuthenticationToken tkn = 
SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() ;

If I log in and I dont get the Authentication I can close the browser and 
revisit the URL and I have the Authentication at the point the Index page 
writes the user name but latter its only there some of the time.

It appears to me that it is ether a session issue with Wicket or that some 
where the thread local used by Acegi is not being updated by the listener (not 
had that problem before) or that a different thread is calling my code.

Because of the size and complexity of the application I can not post source 

Does anyone have any experience with Wicket/Acegi or know how Wicket deals with 
Acegi integration? I need ideas of where to look.

Many thanks


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