On Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 12:47:54 PM, Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm brand new to Wicket - trying to see if I can re-design some web 
> applications to use this framework. A couple of questions have come up
> right at the beginning - I'll start with the simple one....

> 1) Code layout - In my existing system, I have code separated into a 
> number of different packages - for example,
>           com.foo.dm  (data model)
>           com.foo.da    (data access)
>           com.foo.servlet
>           com.foo.util
> etc. etc.
> Somewhere in the Wicket website, I saw something that said the code had
> to be all in one package. But does that mean pairs of java/html files 
> have to be together, or does the entire program have to be in one package?

It was probably meaning that the Java/HTML pairs should be kept
together[*].  You certainly don't need to keep your program in one

Places to check for info are the main Wicket site, the wicket-examples
linked from there (especially the sources), plus the Wiki.  See the
Documentation Index and the Reference Library pages to start!


[*] There are ways around this, but we strongly recommend that you
don't consider it until you've got specific reasons not to, beyond the
normal "it seems odd" that everyone has when starting...

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