Yeah web server is alive... what about svn server? I can not update sources :(

C:\opensource\net\databinder\trunk>svn update

svn: Can't connect to host '': A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

svn checkout svn:// does not respond too.

MD> Works for me... Apparently Nathan (or his ISP) has shut down the

MD> pingd. The website is still alive!

MD> Martijn

MD> Result of the page in my browser:

MD> Toolkit overview

MD> Databinder is a Java programming toolkit for data–driven Web

MD> applications. It's based upon the Wicket Web component framework and

MD> Hibernate object-relational mapping service. Generally preferring

MD> creativity over convention, Databinder's aim is to facilitate database

MD> programming for the Web that is straightforward, pleasant, and

MD> flexible.

MD> How it works

MD> Databinder provides you with Wicket models that populate themselves

MD> using a lightly managed Hibernate session, and a collection of view

MD> components that bind to them automatically. In your application,

MD> instances of annotated data classes rest in these models, rendering

MD> (and updating) through a view component tree and plain HTML templates.

MD> Screencasts


Best regards,

 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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