Monday, November 5, 2007, 12:16:50 PM, Sam wrote:

SH> Lots of the time I just want a link with text as the body of the
SH> ... ... The Link class takes an IModel so presumably uses that for
SH> something but I can't see it in the source or get it to appear...

It's typically just used so the model object's available if you want
to pass arguments to the destination - see the javadoc.

For what I think you're after, you'd need to have something like

<a wicket:id="link" href="#"><span wicket:id="linkTitle">Link</span></a>

then do

   Link link = new Link("link") {
       public void onClick() {
           // ToDo: Implement this!
   Label label = new Label("linkTitle"); // or new Label("linkTitle", <model>);

or similar, e.g.

            new Link("link") {
                public void onClick() {
                    // ToDo: Implement this!
            }.add(new Label("linkTitle")));

if you prefer!

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