> The problem is that the file is there... just that it doesn't seem to be
> looking for it.
> If i force the full constructor:
> new ResourceReference(MyPage.class, "style.css", getLocale(), getStyle())
> all works, so the file is correcly found and the name is correct.
> The problem is when i don't set the locale and style explicitely (as it is
> supposed to be done):
> new ResourceReference(MyPage.class, "style.css")
> then it doesn't find the file. Actually i think it doesn't even try to
> find it, since as i mention i put a breakpoint in
> ResourceReference#setStyle() and nobody is calling it. So later internal
> code to load the resource uses style and locale with null values.

How do you use the resource reference? I think the class was designed
in such a way that the components that use it (Image for instance) are
responsible for setting the appropriate locale/ style 'just in time',
so that switching locales etc works.


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