On Nov 8, 2007 11:14 AM, William Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's not for authorization... It's for running reports. I realize that the 
> Wicket stratagy is to work with components, but in this instance its not a 
> practical option. The business requirement dictates that from any page in the 
> application a parameter can be added to the url (by means of external 
> systems) that will route the application (Wicket) to the appropriate page for 
> processing. I'm over simplifying the scenario, but that is the jist of it.
> I hope to convert this process to a webservice to be consumed by the internal 
> Wicket application in the near future, but there are some dependencies with 
> some of the external applications that prevent us from doing so at this time.

You could use Wicket resources for this. But you don't have to use
Wicket for everything you do either; if it is simpler to use a plain
servlet for this, that's fine.


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