
I have developed a panel named AutoComponentPanel that automatically adds wicket components based on (dynamic) markup. Looking at IComponentResolver I noticed some similarities. Can someone explain this class and its uses to me? Is it something that I should want to use for AutoComponentPanel?

We use AutoComponentPanel as a base class for some other panels that provide dynamic markup. For example transformed xml (xml -> xslt -> xhtml + wicket:id attributes). Would it be better (aka the wicket-way (tm)) when AutoComponentPanel is re-written as an IComponentResolver that can be used by the currently subclassing panels? They would then need to implement IComponentResolver too but can call my rewritten AutoComponentPanelAsResolverSomething in their implementing methods.

Would this be a better way to go?

How should this work when I add my resolver with Application.getPageSettings().addComponentResolver(resolver)?

Matthijs Wensveen

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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