> As it turns out in this case (see previous messages) it's not as easy as
> this. The GuiceInjectorHolder that is created is stored in the metadata of
> the application, and the only way to access it is something like:
> ((GuiceInjectorHolder) ((MyApplication)
> MyApplication.get()).getMetaData(GuiceInjectorHolder.INJECTOR_KEY)).getInjector().injectMembers(this);
> Is there an easier way?

I'd like Al to reply to that. InjectorHolder.getInjector works for
Spring. It would be nice if Guice integration worked the same, though
I can understand it that Al didn't want to use a static.

You could create a utility function to hide this yourself of course.
And you could open a JIRA issue to request to make this a bit easier.


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