On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 20:02 -0700, Jeremy Fergason wrote:
> All,
> I've been trying to use the ExtJS forms from within wicket.  It seemed that
> several people out there were trying to do this with limited success; except
> for the occasional person saying they had done it.  I have got the
> integration working OK at this point and would like to make the integration
> module available to the community at large.  If you are interested in using
> ExtJS forms from within wicket checkout the wicket-tools-extjs module at:
> www.wickettools.org
> I'm pretty new to wicket so please comment on the design with any
> suggestions of how I could improve it.  Also if there is anyone who is
> interested in helping out I would love to have the support.


What's up with your site using PHP and hosting a Wicket project! :P
Ok.. Just teasing.. looks ok and best of luck!


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