Unfortunately Cyrille is unable to attend the Wicket meetup, so the
presentation on the web framework competition (where Wicket was the
winner) will not happen. So there is some room in our schedule and I'd
like to know what the community expects to happen in our meetup
outside the presentations?

What do you want this meetup to give to you? What will you bring to the meetup?

For example, the meetup is a great way to meet a Wicket committer. Do
you have questions you always wanted to get answered, but were afraid
to ask?

So what do you want to see or do at the meetup?


PS: For those unaware of the meetup:

The Wicket Community will come together in Amsterdam on Tuesday April
8th for the second Amsterdam community meetup from 3pm until 9pm.
Thanks to Hippo, Func. and Topicus this event will be free!

Join us in Amsterdam and register now:


Current presentations are:
 - Java Monitoring with JaMon - Lars Vonk
 - Elephas - The Future of Blogging Software - Gerolf Seitz
 - Wicket Groovy/Grails integration - Erik Pragt
 - What is going into Wicket 2.0? - Martijn Dashorst
 - Qi4j and Wicket - Nicklas Hedhman

See you in Amsterdam!

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