I think we miss one call into Eyan's code:

Consts.getTableBody(getMarkupId(), value)

^^^^ seems to be the crux.

On 5/8/08, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 8:42 PM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > doesnt Label do this already?
> Yeah, I think just using getModelValueAsString would give the same results.
>  Also, Label is the only (or one of the few at most) class(es) where
>  overriding onComponentTagBody makes sense. Why not do your thing in a
>  base class Eyal?
>  Or... make model wrappers, where the sole purpose of your wrapping
>  models is to format the output of your wrapped models.
>  Or... do this using converters.
>  Creating a base class makes sense if you do this with the same kind of
>  components all the time (labels I pressume?). If your components are
>  very different, any of the other options are fine.
>  Eelco
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