
Thanks for the reply. WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender is a behavior, but my RequiredBorder is a border. It seems like there's got to be an easy answer to this that doesn't require a javascript hack.

Here's what I think is happening:

* The phone format is rendered on the first pass, and the RequiredBorder draws an asterisk after the field. * The AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior fires, to format the phone number. The phone input (TextField) is added to the ajax request target * The ajaxReqestTarget replaces the components of the phone input. However, the HTML generated by the border is not replaced. The phone input border draws around the phone input, and you end up with two nested borders around the phone input. Repeating the process nests the borders further.

Possible solutions:
* Remove / disable the border after it renders the first time. This solves the ajax issue, but when the entire page is redrawn, the borders all disappear * Somehow tell the ajaxRequestTarget to replace the input along with its component border, not just the input. Not sure how to do this.
* Somehow disable the border only for ajax calls
* Don't use the border, manually add a required indicator next to every required field in my application. Not looking forward to this one...

Option #2 sounds the most promising, but I don't know where to begin.


On May 14, 2008, at 11:38 PM, Gerolf Seitz wrote:

a similar issue happened to the WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender.
take a look at WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender#renderHead to see
how this is solved there.
maybe you can do something similar with your RequiredBorder.


On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 2:58 AM, Sam Barnum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Using the tips in this PDF

I created the simple RequiredBorder class as follows:

public class RequiredBorder extends MarkupComponentBorder {
       public void renderAfter(Component component) {
               FormComponent fc = (FormComponent) component;
               if (fc.isRequired()) {

This basically adds a "*" after any required fields. It seemed to work
great until I used it with an ajax phone formatter behavior:

new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
       protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
               Object oldValue = component.getValue();
String formatted = new PhoneFormatter().format (oldValue);

This caused duplicate "*" indicators to appear after my phone field when
the phone number changed, one per onchange request.  I tried adding a
boolean field to the RequiredBorder so it only gets processed once. This fixed the phone formatter duplicates, but if the form submits and stays on
the same page, all the "*" marks disappear from the required fields.

This is definitely some sort of lifecycle problem, but how do you fix it?

On a related note, is it generally a bad idea to mix AJAX and non- ajax actions? It seems like this is one of many issues I've run into when doing


-Sam Barnum

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