On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 03:05:46PM -0400, Hoover, William  wrote:
> I got the point, but I take things as people state them. It was stated
> that 70% of the time models are not being used (such is the case for
> Link<Void>). As you stated, they are being used indirectly. That is
> different. If that is the case then I agree that the percentage of
> components using model indirectly would be reduced for "form-heavy"
> applications (as you stated). On the contrary, a lot of applications are
> not "form-heavy" (i.e. Ajax heavy apps, etc.) which also need to be
> accounted for in the figures.

I would contend that the important thing to look at is not the
percentage of component instances that use models, but the percent for
which your code explicitly calls getModel() or getModelObject(). If
you're not calling one of these methods, you have received no value for
typing the generic syntax. I would be surprised if I explicitly call one
of these methods on more than about 20% of my Wicket component

So for me, it's not the verbosity of generics that is the problem. When
the syntax is helping you avoid a cast somewhere else, it's worth it.
What bothers me is that 80% of time (for me, anyway) it doesn't save me
a cast, it just makes for more typing and less readable code.

(Also, please keep in mind I'm referring to genericizing Component. Like
most on this thread I'm a big fan of genericizing IModel.)


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