
My page class consists of :
1.) Panel -A  2.) Panel - B.

Just for FYI - Panel A has Refreshing View and a refreshing view nested
within it (nested tables).

When I do a refresh (F5 or simple refresh clicked on browser) on a page, and
nothing seems to happen and all data that was present is lost in process.
Nothing seems to happen as in:
1.) No query is executed (it is expected to do thing that it was doing at
the time of clicking the link to the page).
2.) I put in debug points on the page constructor, refreshing views in the
panel, panel constructor, but it doesn't go anywhere.
3.) The page version doesn't seem to be changing either?! (it does show
everything normally when i click the link to the page again).

I am overriding isVersioned( ) on the page to return true but to no effect;
( I checked, all children components are getting isVersioned with the same).
I tried isVersioned to false (just to see if something else happens :) ),
but no change ...
(the versionManager behaves as it should, meaning, when the page returns
false, it is not added to the version manager).

Am i missing something!!? any help would be appreciable.


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