Marieke Vandamme wrote:
That's nice. Our company's surfing control blocks the site :-)
I'll try to download it at home.

I don't think the problems happen because it's the homepage.
Could just be a problem in what I've done then...
In my original project, the page wasn't the homepage and the problem was the
I debugged the project a couple of times and also couldn't get a grip of why
things go wrong..
I also think it's strange nobody else noticed this, as the example of a
modal window opening from another modal window is in the wicket-examples.

Are you going to post it as a bug?

you can get the workaround there too. BTW your it department doesnt like zip files either...
Thanks for the help !

Nino.Martinez wrote:
Got it working, I believe there are an issue. Somehow the model on the modal window invoking page are not being updated. If I create a final page and pass that into the PageCreator it seems to work. But im still a little curious about why it seems that the main page's model aren't updated, could it be because it's the homepage maybe?...

Heres the edited source (please remember the full url including dots or you will get spammed with ads):

BTW if you know a better place to share files without too much hassle please say so..

Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael wrote:
Hmm seems to be something very wierd. I've debugged it(changed your source a bit so that the main page now gives the arraylist as a model to the headmodal), and it does not seem to maintain state somehow. So head modal gets an empty list on click 1 and then at click 3 it's suddenly there again wierd, filled. I'll poke at it some more.. Do you want the edited source?

Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael wrote:
Ahh, I did steps 1,2,3,2,3,2,4

Problem appears as you write.

Somethings seem to get out of synch. And it does seem that there are something that are inconsistant, 10 mins and i'll see if I can hack something up that works. Or if it's a true bug.

Marieke Vandamme wrote:
Are you sure? The version I'm using is 1.4m2, so I don't think so much has
Did you do the following steps and have the list filled the second time? :
1- click 'Open Head Modal Window'
2- click 'Open Inner Modal Window'
3- close the modalwindow with 'When closing this window a date will be added
to the list..' on it
4- close the head modal window
5- redo steps 1 to 3

Can you please test above for me again? Thanks.

Nino.Martinez wrote:
Hmm, okay I went ahead and created a maven project with a pom. For minimal setup. Using wicket 1.4-snapshot.

And it are working, which browser are you using, im using FF2 and

However this are using wicket 1.4-snapshot(from wicketstuff repo) can you try to use that and see it the problem are solved? Just to be sure?

Marieke Vandamme wrote:
Okay, second try..
I made my war again and tested it myself in tomcat 6. It seems to work,
so I
put it on the server again and hope it works for you too..
I also created a zip with my sources and libraries that you can use in
eclipse :

If that's still not enough , please let me know. Thanks for the help.

Nino.Martinez wrote:
Hi Marieke

Your war file does not deploy/startup, atleast on tomcat, could you do the same using the quickstart archetype, it should take you 2 mins doing that(and give me something that I can look at in eclipse without too much hassle)? I know Im being lazy but, thats the benefit of being the helper...

Jun 19, 2008 11:37:53 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 3722 ms
Jun 19, 2008 11:41:58 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error filterStart
Jun 19, 2008 11:41:58 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start SEVERE: Context [/ModalWindowTestcase2] startup failed due to previous errors Marieke Vandamme wrote:
I found a place where I can place my war for a while :

I can change my application without modalwindows, but I first want to
out what the problem is..
Would find it easier if I don't have to change it :-)

Hope you guys find the time to download my war and test it. Thanks again !

Nino.Martinez wrote:
Hi Marieke

First of all upload your quickstart project somewhere and share the link here. Please be sure theres not too many commercials when downloading, people tend to bully you with it:)

So I have two suggestions.

   1. I think that we should try to sort out if it's a bug causing
      problem or it's wrong usage.
2. I used modal window too, as you can see from one of our previous discussions. But I found that it were better to actually just forward to another panel or page, hence no popup and no trouble, and better focus, and when people are done they return to the
      panel/page. You can still use modal window for simple stuff,
      of like the prototip but with stuff that requires a larger

Please ask if you are in any doubt.

Marieke Vandamme wrote:
I have a rather complex situation, but If I'm not clear enough here,
make a test case.
My situation:
- Page with contact details
- Open a window to send the details to my colleague by email
- In that window open another window to choose my colleague from a

My Application :
- Normal page with ajax link that opens ModalWindow
|-> ModalWindow. Contains link to open another ModalWindow, and a list that is updated by the child modalwindow
        |-> ChildModalWindow (of the ModalWindow).
              This is a chooser, which needs to fill the list on

My error situation:
- I open the ModalWindow and fill the list with employees from the
- I close the ModalWindow, (send the email).
- I open the ModalWindow again (want to send the details to another
- I choose a colleague from the ChildModalWindow, but the list isn't

After much of testing and searching, I think it has something to do
RequestCycle or something... - The first time the modalwindow is opened, the list on it has
- When closing the ChildModalWindow, the list is filled with ajax
markupid 'a1'
- The second time the modalwindow is opened, the list on it has
- When closing the ChildModalWindow, ajax tries to get the component
markupid 'a1' (and not 'b1')

Even when I refresh the main-page, ajax still searches for the
with markupid 'a1'.

Can someone please help me? I've been stuck on this for a while, but
get to the bottom of it.
Can I post a testcase-war to this list of where should I post it?

Thanks in advance !
-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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