
I've used a few convoluted ways of doing it including a combination of the dependency plugin to get the war dep and the antrun plugin to extract it, but the war overlay (which I only discovered a few months ago) is a much nicer way of doing it :)

- Brill Pappin

On 19-Jun-08, at 11:26 AM, John Krasnay wrote:

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 11:09:57AM -0400, Brill Pappin wrote:
Look up "war overlay" in the maven-war-plugin that will give you some
useful information on what you want to do beyond your original

as for dep types.
A war can be depended upon just like a jar (or anything else for that
matter) you simply specify the type:

- Brill Pappin

Doh, I knew as soon as I sent my response that someone would pipe up
with a slick way of doing it in Maven!


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