simply return Integer.MAX_SIZE from dataprovider.size(), and subclass
the dataprovider and hide the gotoend link.


On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 2:29 AM, Jan Stette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The application I'm working on needs several instances of a
> DataTable/GridView-like component where the size of the underlying dataset
> is is not known.  It's basically very expensive to retrieve the whole data
> set to find out how many items are in it, so I'd like to just iterate
> through the data set page by page.  The IDataProvider interface used by
> GridView provides the size() method, so I'd like to provide a data provider
> without this method.  And then in the grid component, leave out the "go to
> end" functionality and the display of the number of pages.  In every other
> respect it's the same as DataTable.
> It wouldn't be too hard to write one myself of course, but I'm wondering if
> such a thing exists already?
> Regards,
> Jan

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