Really a good news. Congratulations!

-- Paolo

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 12:35 AM, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The Apache Wicket team is proud to announce the availability of the fourth
> maintenance release: Apache Wicket 1.3.4. A lot of bugs have been squashed
> and
> several improvements implemented. Two noteworthy bugs have been squashed:
>  - cross session leakage due to a dangling thread local in exceptional
>   circumstances
>  - memory leak in localizer (WICKET-1667)
> It is therefore recommended you update to Wicket 1.3.4 at your earliest
> convenience.
> Eager people click here to download the distribution, others can read
> further:
> We thank you for your patience and support.
> - The Wicket Team
> Apache Wicket
> Apache Wicket is a component oriented Java web application framework. With
> proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack
> of
> XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again.
> Swap
> the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful, reusable
> components written with plain Java and HTML.
> You can find out more about Apache Wicket on our website:
> This release
> This release is the fourth maintenance release for the Wicket 1.3 product.
> This release fixes several bugs and adds some minor improvements. You can
> find
> out about the changes at the bottom of this announcement.
> Migrating from 1.2
> If you are coming from Wicket 1.2, you really want to read our migration
> guide, found on the wiki:
> Downloading the release
> You can download the release from the official Apache mirror system, and
> you
> can find it through the following link:
> For the Maven and Ivy fans out there: update your pom's to the following,
> and
> everything will be downloaded automatically:
> <dependency>
>   <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>   <artifactId>wicket</artifactId>
>   <version>1.3.4</version>
> </dependency>
> Substitute the artifact ID with the projects of your liking to get the
> other
> projects.
> Please note that we don't prescribe a Logging implementation for SLF4J. You
> need to specify yourself which one you prefer. Read more about SLF4J here:
> Validating the release
> The release has been signed by Martijn Dashorst, your release manager for
> today. The public key can be found in the KEYS file in the download area.
> Download the KEYS file only from the Apache website.
> Instructions on how to validate the release can be found here:
> Reporting bugs
> In case you do encounter a bug, we would appreciate a report in our JIRA:
> The distribution
> In the distribution you will find a README. The README contains
> instructions
> on how to build from source yourself. You also find a CHANEGELOG-1.3 which
> contains a list of all things that have been fixed, added and/or removed
> since
> Wicket 1.3.0.
> Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.4
> ** Bug
>    * [WICKET-613] - Prototype scoped Spring beans
>    * [WICKET-1152] - MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.unauthorize()
> doesn't work
>    * [WICKET-1292] - WicketTester continueToOriginalDestination()
> uses application home page instead of original redictor
>    * [WICKET-1366] - "ava.lang.IllegalStateException: No Page found
> for component" when collapsing nodes in a LinkTree
>    * [WICKET-1418] - org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer swallows
> AbortException
>    * [WICKET-1453] - WicketServlet does not set content type on fallback()
>    * [WICKET-1473] - BaseWicketTester.isComponentOnAjaxResponse()
> test is too strong
>    * [WICKET-1476] - Referencing Page may cause StackOverflowError
>    * [WICKET-1499] - AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel + race condition /
>    * [WICKET-1501] - MarkupCache.putIntoCache doesn't behave correctly!!
>    * [WICKET-1504] - AutoCompleteTextField - javascript error "type
> mismatch" in line 227 in IE
>    * [WICKET-1507] - MarkupCache style/variation/locale support broken
>    * [WICKET-1510] - FormDispatcherRequest creates invalid parameter map
>    * [WICKET-1521] - ClassCastException in MixedUrlCodingStrategy
>    * [WICKET-1527] - WicketTester can not deal with null values in
> page parameters
>    * [WICKET-1536] - Enclosure permanently hides direct children
> after it has been itself hidden once
>    * [WICKET-1537] - SelectOption generates non xhtml compliant markup
>    * [WICKET-1541] - PopupSettings' windowName fixes for IE
>    * [WICKET-1544] - Update Javadoc for AbstractValidator
>    * [WICKET-1547] - Add getterfor IPageable to PagingNavigation
>    * [WICKET-1548] - PagingNavigator calls factory methods from constructor
>    * [WICKET-1549] - Memory leak with PropertyResolver (in running test
> suites)
>    * [WICKET-1551] - javascript status variable hides the
> window.status variable because it is not declared as a far in
> wicket-ajax.js
>    * [WICKET-1556] - Non-existant package resources lazily added to pool
>    * [WICKET-1558] - WicketTester.startPage(page) throws "No
> requestCycle is currently set"
>    * [WICKET-1560] - MarkupFragmentFinder fails on transparent
> resolvers within Repeaters
>    * [WICKET-1569] - AjaxButton break form data when
> IRequestSettings.#getResponseRequestEncoding is not UTF-8.
>    * [WICKET-1570] - We should mark session dirty when at least one
> page is touched
>    * [WICKET-1575] - AjaxEventBehavior does not check for
> component.isEnableAllowed before adding the ajax event to the tag
>    * [WICKET-1598] - Typos in JavaDoc of
>    * [WICKET-1607] - addDomReadyEvent unreliable for Safari
>    * [WICKET-1626] - Typo in
> src/main/java/org/apache/wicket/protocol/http/
>    * [WICKET-1632] - IE bug causes wicket problems when id auto
> generation is active
>    * [WICKET-1635] - Stripping javascript comments and whitespace
> breaks application when using prototype library
>    * [WICKET-1645] - Syntactic errors in the manifest OSGi headers
>    * [WICKET-1646] - AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior not working
> correctly when using IE 7
>    * [WICKET-1649] - Manifests use incorrect Dynamic-ImportPackage header
>    * [WICKET-1658] - WicketTester#clickLink doesn't update lastRenderedPage
>    * [WICKET-1659] - Prolem with 'mouseactive' in
> wicket-autocomplete.js when AutoCompleteBehaviour is added (twice)
> during Ajax roundtrip
>    * [WICKET-1667] - Memory leak in Localizer
>    * [WICKET-1669] - TimeFrame.equals(Object)  does not work as expected
>    * [WICKET-1670] - Time.valueOf() does not clear miliseconds
>    * [WICKET-1682] - HtmlHandler can't handle tags not requiring
> closed tags if the tag names are uppercase
>    * [WICKET-1697] - Bad caching in <wicket:message> tag for the same
> key in same markup structure
>    * [WICKET-1701] -
> org.apache.wicket.markup.html.CompressedPackageResource$CompressingResourceStream.cache
> needs to avoid being serialized
>    * [WICKET-1704] - ResourceStreamRequestTarget.configure set wrong
> ContentLength for non-ascii characters
>    * [WICKET-1705] - GuiceComponentInjector mishandles static fields
>    * [WICKET-1706] - org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Objects.convertValue
> returns null if it cannot convert the value
> ** Improvement
>    * [WICKET-1492] - Allow form to specify prefix for formcomponent names
>    * [WICKET-1524] - Disable javadoc plugin in regular build to make it
> faster
>    * [WICKET-1590] - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel ignores ChoiceRenderer
> in newLabel(...)
>    * [WICKET-1592] - html.form.Form object should have method to
> obtain all FormValidator objects associated with
>    * [WICKET-1595] - AutoCompleteTextField: Scrolling down the Choice
> Menu Only When the Bottom of the Menu Is Reached
>    * [WICKET-1608] - make AutoCompleteBehavior's configuration more
> flexible
>    * [WICKET-1618] - Localizer API should be enhanced so that the
> cache implementation can be overwritten
>    * [WICKET-1668] - (added translations)
>    * [WICKET-1708] - Allow the module init parameter to contain
> multiple class names
>    * [WICKET-1709] - Allow configuration of the guice Stage for
> GuiceWebApplicationFactory
>    * [WICKET-1711] - Improve Locale fallback in BundleStringResourceLoader
> ** New Feature
>    * [WICKET-1322] - NormalUrlCodingStrategy: It does not append / to
> the end of the url before the parameters
>    * [WICKET-1428] - AutoLinkResolver and Parent-Relative (../) Links
>    * [WICKET-1609] - add RedirectToExternalException
>    * [WICKET-1641] - provide OSGi metadata
> ** Wish
>    * [WICKET-1562] - Autocomplete should display the selection list
> even if the input field is empty
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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