
I'm currently debugging a situation where we have too much
data in the session (in some places, more objects should be
behind detachable models, smaller object graphs retrieved
from the db etc). I've added debug logging to get the size
of the page just before storing it in DiskPageStore (i.e.
after it has been detach()ed) and sometimes stopped it in
debugger to inspect the page content, surfed the children in
the debugger view etc.

But I don't find an easy way to find out which particular
part of the component hierarchy is consuming a lot of
memory, because the whole component tree is bidirectional
(if you do Objects.sizeof(foo) you get the exactly same
result for that as for the parent or any child of foo()).

Any ideas?

Logging the page size in DiskPageStore if debug level is
enabled could be a good addition btw.

Best wishes,

P.S. Matej, thanks for the help the other day on the
detach() issue. Our models were detaching just fine, but one
had a dangerous toString() implementation doing getObject()
which in turn did a reattach, and this messed things up in
the debugging session :)

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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