On Thu, 10 Jul 2008, Johan Compagner wrote:
> try it with yourkit?

I've got JProfiler and at least with that it's been a bit 
difficult to pinpoint which exactly are the components 
hanging onto the biggest objects.

But I did a kludge in our own DiskPageStore extension where
I visit all the components of the page to be stored and
print out the component path and
Objects.sizeof(component.getModel()) for each component.

It seems to produce pretty informative output. I'm a bit
unsure of whether it's entirely safe to call getModel() as
late as saving the page after detach (getModelObject()
definitely not :)) so maybe I'll remove this when I'm done
with debugging / adding missing detaching.

This also revealed that for example the page instance I'm
currently looking at has more than 2000 components in total
:) Maybe we should look at replacing some stuff that is not 
displayed with dummy WebMarkupContainers instead of relying 
on visibility control.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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