ok... that make sense to me.
The primary then should be <String, String> but maybe overload it so that nothing legacy breaks.

I think the <String, ?> will help, but I also think that being specific about what it holds is important... otherwise its trying to be "too smart" and I might get a string representation that I don't want... if it's explicitly <String, String> then you always know exactly what is going in/out.


- Brill Pappin

On 11-Aug-08, at 11:07 AM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

wicket provides convinience methods for working with strings, eg a
method to automatically convert a string to an int so you dont have
to. likewise it will automatically convert all objects you put into it
to a string.


On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 7:36 AM, Lutz Müller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thats what I was thinking, too, when I read Uwes post. I did not look at Wicket 1.4 yet, but had assumed that PageParameters should always be String to
String maps, because this is what they are in HTTP.
But then again, wicket is not strictly HTTP, and when you look at the javadoc comment for PageParameters (at least in 1.3) it explicitly states that PageParameters might be used with other protocols. Maybe this is the reason


On Monday 11 August 2008 02:33:56 Brill Pappin wrote:
I agree on the generics front... however are not the params supposed
to be strings?
or do they represent request parameters as well as page attributes?

If they are representing both, maybe they should be separated.

- Brill

On 8-Aug-08, at 12:59 PM, Uwe Schäfer wrote:
ok, maybe there was too much K and V in my last mail ;)

I´ll try another way round:

wouldn´t it be nice to be able to use smth like that ?

Map<String, Integer> map =...
PageParameters p = new PageParameters(map);

So if you agree, please switch from

public PageParameters(final Map<String, Object> parameterMap)
public PageParameters(final Map<String, ?> parameterMap)

thx, uwe


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