I'm having a problem with the following scenario:

1.  A user logs into our Wicket application and starts using it.
2.  The user clicks on a link which kicks off a potentially long-running
3.  While getting bored with waiting for this to complete, the user copies
the URL from her browser into another tab or window.

Unfortunately, at this stage, the second window is locked and times out with
a message "pagemap is still locked after one minute".
Should this work?  Stepping through the second request in the debugger, it
appears that it this request has a page map name = null, as has the previous
request ( in the long running thread).  So they seem to pick up the same
page map.  Presumably this is wrong; multiple windows should each have their
unique page map?  Or does the magic that detects new windows hence new page
maps to be created break down in cases like this?


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