
the long running process should be executed in separate thread. You
can make wicket periodically poll for result (via ajax). It is
generally not a good idea to run action that potentially can take long
time to complete from a request thread.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 8:42 PM, Jan Stette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a problem with the following scenario:
> 1.  A user logs into our Wicket application and starts using it.
> 2.  The user clicks on a link which kicks off a potentially long-running
> operation.
> 3.  While getting bored with waiting for this to complete, the user copies
> the URL from her browser into another tab or window.
> Unfortunately, at this stage, the second window is locked and times out with
> a message "pagemap is still locked after one minute".
> Should this work?  Stepping through the second request in the debugger, it
> appears that it this request has a page map name = null, as has the previous
> request ( in the long running thread).  So they seem to pick up the same
> page map.  Presumably this is wrong; multiple windows should each have their
> unique page map?  Or does the magic that detects new windows hence new page
> maps to be created break down in cases like this?
> Regards,
> Jan

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