Hi group

Did anyone use wicket witch such configuration - i know this may sound
silly but  I'm having serious issues with slf4j binding for log4j.
Jboss internally uses very old implementation of log4j for which i
guess no slf4j binding exists (pre 1.2.x versions i guess).

I run wicket application successfully and log4j logging is working but
my wicket markup does not refresh, ever! This is because when
refreshing worker thread is starting it generates this error:

2008-09-11 15:46:04,781 ERROR [] thread.Task                  - Task
ModificationWatcher terminated
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.Logger.isTraceEnabled()Z
        at org.apache.wicket.util.thread.Task$1.run(Task.java:107)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

which makes it unusable - my markup does not get refreshed. This is
serious concern for us. Please help.


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