this is a simple variable interpolation not a templating language :)
of course there is nothing stopping you from generating the info
message using velocity or freemarker or whatever else.


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Edward Zarecor
> Looking at the abracadabra example using property file style localization
> messages,, to wit:
> confirmation.content=You are about to create user '${firstName}
> ${lastName}', for \
> department '${department}' and user name '${userName}'. Are you sure you
> want to \
> do this? I mean, are you <strong>really</strong> you want to allow
> '${userName}' \
> on this system? If you are, please press finish to complete.
> Does property variable expansion support collections?  For example:
> confirmation.content=You are about to create users \
> <table> \
> <tr wicket:id="users"><td>'${firstName} ${lastName}'</td></tr> \
> </table> \
> I suspect I know the answer as the example doesn't list the roles a user was
> assigned in the wizard, but thought someone might know for certain.
> Thanks.
> Ed.

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