For encoding the following is relevant in Wicket:

- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   The explicit encoding of your markup files.

- IMarkupSettings#defaultMarkupEncoding
The default encoding to be used by Wicket to read your markup files (if not explicitely specified), default null.

- JVM file.encoding
The encoding used by Wicket to read your markup files if neither above was specified. - <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> The encoding of your markup as seen by the browser. This should match the following...

- IRequestCycleSettings#responseRequestEncoding
The encoding to be used by Wicket to stream markup to the browser, default UTF-8.

I'd suggest to keep all these the same, e.g. UTF-8. But you could equally well use different encodings for markup reading and writing. XML encoding and charset should always match.

As you can see, usually there's no need to mess around with the JVM's file encoding. BTW, if you're encoding your markup in UTF-8, you won't have to think about HTML entities for special characters (e.g. &auml;) ever again.

Be sure to read:


Timo Rantalaiho schrieb:
On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Milan K?ápek wrote:
  So the dynamic content of localized pages (from property files) is
  displayd well but the static part defined in 'mypage_cs.html' is
  displazyed wrong. Has anybody met the same problem? Is there any
  methods for configuring waicket to render pages in utf-8 encoding??

Have you tried passing -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 to your application server? Or checked what is the file.encoding
system property runtime. Most probably Java gets the default
value from the operating system (locale -a gives hints in Unixes and on Windows I think the encoding is cp1252 which is some microsoftied version of ISO-Latin-1).

Best wishes,

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