
What you do seems alright. Please show us complete code fragments. Both the part where you create the InlineFrame component, and the constructor of the MyFrame class.


itayh schreef:
Any Idea?

itayh wrote:
Thx for the quick response.

I cahnged the url mount in my application to mount(new IndexedHybridUrlCodingStrategy("/iframe/MyFrame",
MyFrame.class)) ...

My problem is that still when i try to create iframe like:
PageParameters params = new PageParameters();
params.add("url", url) or params.add("0", url)
InlineFrame myFrame = new InlineFrame("MyFrame",
this.getPageMap(),MyFrame.class, params);
myFrame .add(new AttributeModifier("src",

The params get empty to the MyFrame constructor.The only situation the
params are not empty is when I do: myFrame .add(new AttributeModifier("src",

But then the url is not found since I define in my app:
mount(new IndexedHybridUrlCodingStrategy("/iframe/MyFrame",
MyFrame.class)) ...

The param is runtime value and I can not know it when creating my app.

Erik van Oosten

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