I don't understand. Reading the javadoc InlineFrame should set the src attribute. If that is not the case, try setting the src attribute with something like:

myFrame.add(new AttributeModifier("src", new Model(urlFor(MyFrame.class, 


itayh wrote:
Hi Erik,

You are right, the src AttributeModifier overwrites params values. If I am
not using the src AttributeModifier then the params has values and if I use
it then the params are empty.

But it seem that I must use the src AttributeModifier since I am using
sitemesh decorators to decorate my pages according to the url, so I need to
identify the iframes url from their container url. I need to decorate all my
pages but I don't want to decorate the iframes (no need for headers and
footers there).

The src AttributeModifier is the only way I found how set the iframes url to
what i want. Is there another way?

Thanks alot,

Erik van Oosten

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