Can you share your code that builds up the component hierarchy?  At
least the relevant parts?  We'll need to see what kind of model the
form has and stuff like that.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 5:58 AM, Steve Swinsburg
> Nope, the form works fine, it just never reaches the line:
> System.out.println("2 - upload not null");
> Or do you mean HTML validation errors? Thats fine as well:
> <wicket:panel>
> <form wicket:id="form" class="profileForm">
> <p wicket:id="textSelectImage" class="small">Select an image</p>
> <p><input type="file" wicket:id="picture"/></p>
> <p><input type="submit" wicket:id="submit" value="Upload" /></p>
> </form>
> </wicket:panel>
> This panel is shown by a jQuery slideToggle() after someone clicks on a
> button, but its a normal form submit. Even when the form is always visible,
> ie no Javascript to show it, same thing.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> On 5 Nov 2008, at 18:33, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
> are there validation errors?
> -igor
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:14 AM, Steve Swinsburg
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having an odd problem in uploading a file where the result of:
> FileUpload upload = uploadField.getFileUpload();
> is always null. I can't see what I've done wrong.
> Here's part of my onSubmit method which works for textfields, but not
> fileuploads. It's a normal fileupload by the way (so its not an AJAX issue):
> public void onSubmit(){
> if (uploadField != null) {
> System.out.println("1 - uploadField not null");
> FileUpload upload = uploadField.getFileUpload();
> if(upload != null) {
> System.out.println("2 - upload not null");
> byte[] photoBytes = upload.getBytes();
> }
> }
> }
> where uploadField is defined in the class like so:
> private FileUploadField uploadField;
> and then added to the form:
> uploadField = new FileUploadField("picture");
> form.add(uploadField);
> So the form works as expected for textfields but not fileuploads. Can anyone
> spot any issues/give me pointers? The form is multipart encoded.
> thanks.
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