Currently SubmitLink sets the to href='#', instead it would have a valid
href (similar to a regular Link). The onclick would still submit the
form but return false to prevent the href being followed in javascript

Then the you have 1 of 2 cases:
1) the browswer has javascript and runs the onclick handler, which
returns false so the href is not followed. This is standard SubmitLink

2) the browser does not support javascript, completely ignores the
onclick handler and instead follows the href. This *does not* submit the
form. This is standard Link behavior.

The usecase for this is when you have a form that would be nice to
submit, but its not required that it be submitted (such as pagination).
I realize this is a very weird corner case. At this point the design
calls for a lot of stuff that cannot be done without javascript so I am
probably going to just use submitlink anyway.

I only asked on the list to see if someone had done the work for something
like this already.


On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 08:52:50AM -0800, Igor Vaynberg exclaimed:

>you cannot have a submitLINK and not have javascript. what would your
>href be? links do not submit forms, only buttons do.
>On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a DataView component and each row has a CheckBox to select that
>> row. I prefer not to have an ajax call on each selection by the user.
>> The issue is that with the default PagingNavigator I lose which
>> checkboxes were selected when the page is changed (naturally, because the
>> form is not submitted).
>> I can make a PagingNavigator that uses SubmitLink, but then I lose
>> pagination for those without javascript (rare, I know).
>> SubmitLink uses the onclick handler (despite what the javadoc says, see
>> WICKET-1925), and its href is set to #. I was planning on making a
>> FallbackSubmitLink with the same onclick as SubmitLink and the same href
>> as a regular Link. I just need to make sure that the onclick always
>> returns false so browsers with javascript will not follow the href.
>> If such a component existed, users with javascript would be able to
>> paginate without losing selections. Those without javascript can still
>> paginate, but the checkboxes do not stay checked across pages.
>> My questions are... has anyone built something like this already? Is there
>> a better way?
>> Thanks!
>> Ryan
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