you cannot have a submitLINK and not have javascript. what would your
href be? links do not submit forms, only buttons do.


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a DataView component and each row has a CheckBox to select that
> row. I prefer not to have an ajax call on each selection by the user.
> The issue is that with the default PagingNavigator I lose which
> checkboxes were selected when the page is changed (naturally, because the
> form is not submitted).
> I can make a PagingNavigator that uses SubmitLink, but then I lose
> pagination for those without javascript (rare, I know).
> SubmitLink uses the onclick handler (despite what the javadoc says, see
> WICKET-1925), and its href is set to #. I was planning on making a
> FallbackSubmitLink with the same onclick as SubmitLink and the same href
> as a regular Link. I just need to make sure that the onclick always
> returns false so browsers with javascript will not follow the href.
> If such a component existed, users with javascript would be able to
> paginate without losing selections. Those without javascript can still
> paginate, but the checkboxes do not stay checked across pages.
> My questions are... has anyone built something like this already? Is there
> a better way?
> Thanks!
> Ryan
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