new ichoicerenderer<integer>() {
Object getDisplayValue(integer object) {
  return choices.get((integer)object);

String getIdValue(integer object, int index) {
  return object.tostring();


On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Steve Swinsburg
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been over all the DDC examples but am still stumped by this one. I have
> a model (pojo) which holds user preferences, the preference for each item
> being an Integer.
> ie
> public class UserPreferences {
> int preferenceOne;
> int preferenceTwo
> constructor
> getters and setters for the ints above
> }
> I now want to render a form that has a DDC for each of the preferences in my
> model. The list of choices that needs to go into the DDC should come from a
> HashMap or similar (in reality it will come from a database) because I want
> to store the number attached to the item selected, not the display string.
> ie
> LinkedHashMap choices = new LinkedHashMap()
> choices.put("43", "Something");
> choices.put("64", "Something else");
> choices.put("87", "blah");
> which should render the select list as:
> <select name="preferenceOne">
> <option value="43">Choice Something</option>
> <option value="64">Choice Something else</option>
> <option value="87">blah</option>
> <select>
> When clicking submit, the value (ie 43) should be attached to the relevant
> item in the Model (ie preferenceOne would be 43), then I can save it to the
> database.
> Everything I've tried with ChoiceRenderer etc seems to get mixed up with the
> different data models etc.
> Can someone please present a snippet of code on how to do this, I'm at my
> wits end. I cannot for the life of me find any explicit info separating the
> models/data as above.
> thanks,
> Steve

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