After a fresh start on a Monday, I figured out how to use a Hashmap in a DropDownChoice component when separate id/display values are required. I was hoping to get a bit more of an explicit answer from the community on this one though, since I was completely stumped, which is what I thought this mailing list was for. Anyway, its solved:

final LinkedHashMap preferences = new LinkedHashMap();
preferences.put("0", "some choice");
preferences.put("1", "some other choice");
preferences.put("2", "and another choice");

IModel dropDownModel = new Model() {
 public Object getObject() {
    return new ArrayList(preferences.keySet());

DropDownChoice profileChoice = new DropDownChoice("preference", dropDownModel, new IChoiceRenderer() {

 public String getDisplayValue(Object object) {
  return preferences.get(object);

 public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
   return object.toString();

I am using a CompoundPropertyModel for my form where the CPM has the property 'preference', so no need to explicitly tie the two together in the DDC.

Hopefully this will help others.


On 12 Dec 2008, at 18:39, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

that map needs to be in the choicerenderer. your domain model type is
integer, ddc<integer> looks like this:

dropdownchoice(string id, imodel<integer> model, imodel<list<integer>>
choices, ichoicerenderer<integer> renderer)


On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Steve Swinsburg
<> wrote:
I now have this:

IModel dropDownModel = new Model() {

protected Object load() {

preferences.put(0, "some choice");
preferences.put(1, "some other choice");
preferences.put(2, "and another choice");

return  preferences; //get the HashMap

DropDownChoice profileChoice = new DropDownChoice("profile", dropDownModel,
new IChoiceRenderer() {

public String getDisplayValue(Object object) {
return  preferences.get(object);
public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
return object.toString();
where my Form is given a CompoundPropertyModel with one of the parameters being "profile". But, I'm getting an error about my choices being null. java.lang.NullPointerException: List of choices is null - Was the supplied
'Choices' model empty?

I can feel I'm close but what have I missed?


On 12 Dec 2008, at 18:14, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

new ichoicerenderer<integer>() {
Object getDisplayValue(integer object) {
return choices.get((integer)object);

String getIdValue(integer object, int index) {
return object.tostring();


On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Steve Swinsburg
<> wrote:

Hi all,

I've been over all the DDC examples but am still stumped by this one. I have

a model (pojo) which holds user preferences, the preference for each item

being an Integer.


public class UserPreferences {

int preferenceOne;

int preferenceTwo


getters and setters for the ints above


I now want to render a form that has a DDC for each of the preferences in my

model. The list of choices that needs to go into the DDC should come from a

HashMap or similar (in reality it will come from a database) because I want

to store the number attached to the item selected, not the display string.


LinkedHashMap choices = new LinkedHashMap()

choices.put("43", "Something");

choices.put("64", "Something else");

choices.put("87", "blah");

which should render the select list as:

<select name="preferenceOne">

<option value="43">Choice Something</option>

<option value="64">Choice Something else</option>

<option value="87">blah</option>


When clicking submit, the value (ie 43) should be attached to the relevant

item in the Model (ie preferenceOne would be 43), then I can save it to the


Everything I've tried with ChoiceRenderer etc seems to get mixed up with the

different data models etc.

Can someone please present a snippet of code on how to do this, I'm at my

wits end. I cannot for the life of me find any explicit info separating the

models/data as above.



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