you have to declare those dependencies in the pom of your project. mvn
jetty:run does not see what you have exported in eclipse - that is an
eclipse specific feature.


On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Daniel Ferreira Castro
<> wrote:
> I know that this can be a little "gray zone problem", but let me ask anyway.
> I went to the quickstart,, e
> executed the command bellow
> 1)
> mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket
> -DarchetypeArtifactId=wicket-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.5
> -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=myproject
> I changed the groupId and artifactId to fit my package and project names.
> After that, inside the project folder I run the command bellow.
> 2)
> mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true
> I imported the project to eclipse workspace.
> After that I run mvn jetty::run to start the Jetty and test my Wicket
> project.
> But I recieved this error.
> 2009-01-29 09:39:42.578::WARN:  Error for /ecommFwkBackOffice/
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/Session
> Yes, the problem is that Jetty can not load the Session Hibernate class.
> But this is related due the way that my project, in fact projects, are
> organized.
> I organized the artifacts like that.
> I have a data access project that is called dataAccess.
> This projects have all the DTOs and DAOs to access the database.  It uses
> Hibernate persistence and Maven as dependency manager.
> The project export its classes and Maven Dependencies, configured by eclipse
> on project build tab.
> I have a second project called backOffice that have the dataAccess project
> as dependency.
> The wicket pages of this project consumes resources from dataAccess project
> and thoses resources are hibernate dependents.
> And in future I will have a third project, also a wicket project, that is
> the fron end to end user.
> That is why I choose to split the solution on three different projects.
> The problem is that I run the backOffice using mvn jetty:run and when I
> access it the exception occurs.
> So for some reason the classes are not beeing correctly deployed on Jetty.
> Does anyone have faced a problem like that and knows how to solve it?
> --
> "Two rules to succeed in life:
> 1 - donĀ“t tell people everything you know."
> --------
> We shall go on to the end.
> We shall fight in France
> We shall fightover the seas and oceans.
> We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air.
> We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be
> We shall fight on beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
> We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
> We shall fight on the hills.
> We shall never surrender.
> Winston Churchill

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