On Mon, 05 Jan 2009, Daniele Dellafiore wrote:
> Using wicket for a long time now, one of the most tedious task is
> "panel refactoring". I mean, often you start with some simple panel
> then it grows and you split in several panels.
> This operation is tedious becouse there is no IDE support for
> refactoring both java and html side.

I typically leave the HTML fragments more or less as they 
are, because for previewability and for the HTML guy it's
easier when they are in bigger pieces.

Splitting the contents of a Panel to WebMarkupContainers 
does not require changing the HTML code, just Java code.
Or maybe you need to add some new wicket:id to some div.

We have extensive developer tests (WicketTester "almost 
unit" tests :)) to see that the code and HTML are in sync,
and Wicket gives good error messages when they aren't, so 
the manual refactoring is pretty safe to do in the end.

That being said, of course more IDE support would be nice!

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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