Here's the demo code I used for a talk on wicket a while back.  It
includes OSIV and has an example of doing a repository (think DAO)

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 3:15 AM, Kent Larsson <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm thinking about using the **Open Session In View (OSIV)** filter or
> interceptor that comes with Spring, as it seems like a convenient way
> for me as a developer. If that's what you recommend, do you recommend
> using a filter or an interceptor and why?
> I'm also wondering how it will mix with **HibernateTemplate** and if I
> will loose the ability to mark methods as *...@transactional(readOnly =
> true)** etc and thus loose the ability to get some more fine grained
> transaction control?
> Is there some kind of best practice for how to integrate this kind of
> solution with a three tier architecture using Hibernate, Spring and
> Wicket?
> If I use OSIV I will at least never run into lazy loading exceptions,
> on the other hand my transaction will live longer before being able to
> commit by being uncommitted in the view as well.
> Best regards, Kent
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