yeah its added and it renders and everything seems to work except its not setting any data.


On 16/02/2009, at 5:21 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

did you add emailRequests to the form or somewhere under?


On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Steve Swinsburg
<> wrote:
Hi all,
I can't figure out how the RadioGroup component works in Wicket
My use case is this. I have a bunch of parameters which I need a true/false answer for. So each group of choices (true or false) will map to a boolean
parameter in my PropertyModel.
What is wrong with this code:

CompoundPropertyModel preferencesModel = new
Form form = new Form("form", preferencesModel);
RadioGroup emailRequests = new RadioGroup("emailRequestsEnabledGroup", new
PropertyModel(preferencesModel, "emailRequestsEnabled"));
emailRequests.add(new Radio("requestsOn", new Model(true)));
emailRequests.add(new Radio("requestsOff", new Model(false)));
and markup:
<tr wicket:id="emailRequestsEnabledGroup">
<td class="item"><input type="radio" wicket:id="requestsOn" /></td>
<td class="item"><input type="radio" wicket:id="requestsOff" /></td>

In my onSubmit I just get the modelObject and save it as I do with other forms. I was hoping that the boolean parameter in that object would be set to true/false depending on the radio button. It's not being set at all
An example of what I want to do is illustrated by the Facebook > Settings >
Notifications page where it has a bunch of radiobuttons with On/Off


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