Hi all,

I've been reading in different threads that Wicket 1.4 already supports
Portlet 2.0 API.
We are already trying it with different success, in different portals.

We have an application being developed in Wicket 1.3.5 (last stable release
so far), and we planned to switch to 1.4.
But customers have yet not migrated to portals with Portlet 2.0 support, and
perhaps they won't in some (long) time.
That means that perhaps we get stuck in wicket 1.3.x, or we have to maintain
2 versions (since wicket 1.4 is not compatible with 1.3).

So i was thinking... what are the chances of getting Portlet-1.0-only
support in Wicket 1.4?
Could the portlet support in wicket 1.4 be separated somehow, so we can plug
Portlet 1.0 for some customers, Portlet 2.0 for others?

Thanks in advance,


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